My coworker runs the KYC Happy Hour so I had some inside information about it and I've been attending for the last two Thursdays. This evening I joined the is a quote from the Commodore taken from the KYC website:
The Kwajalein Yacht Club is not just for sailors but for those who love the water and love to socialize with others who love the water. We are a family and singles friendly organization, and welcome new members. The Yacht Club is located along the shoreline with a beautiful view of the lagoon and sailboat mooring field. It is a great place to hang out with friends and drink a cold beverage of your choice.
We had a feast tonight. The food making is done by volunteers and man did we eat good. It was a smorgasbord of great Mexican food; very enjoyable. Thank you to tonight's chef's.
I referred to one of their event's, the Swashbucklers Ball in one of my older posts. I can't wait for this event but there is another one, The Commedore's Ball coming up next month, it's a formal dress party. These two events are on the opposite spectrum from each other but both look to be a ton of fun.
Tomorrow is a full day of snorkeling and sailboat racing so I will be sure to post some pics. That is after my nap because that's a lot of activity for one day. I'm pretty sure Monday will be a lazy, lazy day for me. (Remember, we are on the other side of the dateline from the U.S.)