Being confined in basically a small town without an easy way to just hop in the car and drive somewhere for the weekend would really put a few people over the edge. (The mere fact that there aren't any cars would put a few people over)
That's after you've given up (or stored) all of your posses ions and possibly (we haven't decided yet) sold your home as well.
Our lifestyle is such that this isn't that hard of a decision. We don't have any kids, we're open minded, adventurous, and we really don't have anything to lose, other than missing out on the opportunity if we don't go.
We already watch very little television so the lack of channels and delayed schedules wont matter to us much. (I'm sure Justin will have a few withdrawals come football season!)
I'm probably going to miss having a variety of restaurants at my disposal. I guess it will force me to cook more. Not such a bad thing I suppose.
Neither of us are shoppers, in fact we both pretty much despise it and do 90% of our shopping online as it is. So the only thing this will change is we'll be paying more for shipping and it will take longer to get stuff.
Oh well, I'm sure there are worse things in life and besides, it's not forever.
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