Well, I can't really get around it; I need to re-apply for my current position with the new owners today. My pride is taking a hit. I have my fingers crossed that they will reject it or let me go shortly after bringing me on.
I've weighed out all the alternatives I could think of and this really is the easiest, least disruptive way to go. Financially and logically anyway, emotionally it would be much more satisfying to go get a temporary job anywhere else while I'm waiting for the paperwork to finalize on the Kwajalein position. Oh well. It truly could be worse.
I got a call from Kwajalein last night letting me know not to worry, everything is still on track there is just some issue with coordinating the Kwajalein paperwork with the Huntsville paperwork. I am currently a requisition number and I'm being processed. Like I've said before, things seem to move a little slower in Kwajalein.
I've sold pretty much everything I need to sell except the
car and I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to sell the motorcycle or not. It's my first one and I want to keep it! It would cost a lot less to store than the car and I wouldn't have to keep it insured but I don't know...
I have a friend that's coming next week to take all of my houseplants. It's going to feel really bare in the house once the plants are gone. I'm enjoying the process though. It feels kind of weird but exciting too.
I really think this experience is worth all of the sacrifice. Other than the dogs, all I'm sacrificing is "stuff" anyway. I've been wanting to simplify, this just makes it necessary instead of voluntary. I work well in those conditions.