I keep wondering if I'll be able to post anything about my job or if I'll have to keep this more about island life when I get there? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
It sounds so exotic to me. Secret clearance! Not just anybody gets that do they?
According to About.com:
A security clearance investigation is an inquiry into an individual’s loyalty, character, trustworthiness and reliability to ensure that he or she is eligible for access to national security information. The investigation focuses on an individual’s character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other similar and pertinent areas. All investigations consist of checks of national records and credit checks; some investigations also include interviews with individuals who know the candidate for the clearance as well as the candidate himself/herself.
Again, JF thinks I'm silly. Just because I have the clearance doesn't mean I'll actually see or do anything secret. That's fine, it still sounds cool.